Saturday, January 06, 2007

I want one!!! - Update...I got one!!!!

Yeah!!! I got one of these and Ryan got a bigger one! But before I did...this is what I wrote about it.

Ryan and I are really trying to do our part to protect the environment and we also love to find ways to save money! So, we are thinking about selling my little car and getting me an eGo Cycle 2 lx and then eventually getting Ryan one too. Most days I stay within 2 miles of our house as I do errands, etc. Ryan can get to the production hub easily on one of these. Anyway, this little scooter is all electric. For 10 cents you can go 25 miles. For what you would spend on a gallon of gas you could go 700 miles. It's nearly silent and emission free! Most of all, it's so much fun!!! I'll get panniers and baskets to fit it. They even have a trailer that you can buy. I love it!


Sophmom said...

That is so adorable! That's exactly what Middle Son needs in New Orleans!

Hollie, thanks for the heads up on my blog. That blew me away. I am working on a post right now.

I do want to tell you that if ya'll end up heading that way for work, there are some of the best folks there you could ever meet. *sigh*

Paula said...

It looks like a ton of fun!

Joe Powell said...

psssst - Hollie -- thanks for coming by my blog and leaving a fine comment. good to know smart people are scattered all over!

congrats on your engagement as well and yes indeed a most nifty bike.

HollieMichelle said...

I got my scooter!!!! Love it so much. Ryan got an electric scooter too. We don't buy gas anymore and we're having so much more fun than we ever had in the car!!!