Wednesday, December 13, 2006

So, what have we been doing lately?

Well, this summer we went to Marfa, Texas (and neighboring Alpine, Texas) so that Ryan could work on a movie with Daniel Day Lewis. The working title is "There will be Blood." I know, it sounds like a horror movie, but it is really based on an Upton Sinclair novel called "Oil!" Ryan worked his tail off 16 hours a day and I spent way too much time eating in restaurants and hanging around the room. I did go to the set a few times, which was fun. But, the days are long, long, long out there in the desert in June and July. I have pictures, which I will try to load soon.

Currently, Ryan is working for NBC on "Friday Night Lights" here in Austin. It looks like they will get a second season, which is great because it's a good gig that gets him home everynight and leaves him free most weekends.

We are going to Florida for Christmas. Gotta go see Tex and Betty, Ryan's grandparents. They are awesome people. My grandparents have died so I really appreciate the company of his.

Here are some pictures from the Marfa Set. More photos and descriptions to come!

Update: The good news is that we have some more incredible action photos from the set. The bad news is that I can't post them until after the movie has been out for a while cause they give some of the story away.


Sophmom said...

FNL has great buzz. It had a terrible slot in the beginning but it's been featured a bit more since the first tier shows are done for the season. Kyle Chandler rocks. He was the best thing about the two part season opener of Gray's Anatomy last season. He should do well. Cool ass job.

Sophmom said...

Just stoppin' in to say hi and hope you're having happy holidays. :)