Thursday, November 29, 2007

Weird Dream #1

Last night I dreamed that I went to the doctor and he told me that my blood was 90% fat!

The laziest blogger ever!

I am the laziest blogger ever! If I had any readership at all, I would apologize profusely for never writing anything.....remotely interesting. But I don't! I don't really know which is the cause and which is the effect. Do I have no readership because I never post anything....remotely interesting? Or do I never post because I have no readers? I dunno. But I do know that I like reading blogs much better than I like writing them. Strange because in person I never shut up!

I feel like I should update this blog a little now...because I told my non-readers that I would. So here goes.

Ryan and I spent the Spring in New Orleans where he worked on the pilot for K-Ville, a FOX network series. That got picked up for season one, but so did Friday Night Lights, which he worked on last season here in Austin. So we had a choice of which one to work on. But backing up a little, we finished the pilot for K-Ville and then we went to St. Francisville, LA to film a horror movie. What a CUTE little historic mainstreet town on the Mississippi that was! We fell in love with it's southern charm and wonderful people! We made such good friends with some of the locals there. Hello Chris...Heather...Bob E! Hello to the West Feliciana Parish Air Force! We rode the ferry across to New Roads and got stuffed fat on Two, Two and Two! That's two oysters orleans...two oysters bienville...and two oysters rockafeller! Mmmm, mmmmm....go to MaMama's if you ever go there. So after St. Francisville, we came back to Austin for the second season of Friday Night Lights. That was in June. So here we are in December. By the way...WE GOT MARRIED! Even though Tony Parker from the Spurs is an arch enemy to Ryan's favorite team...the Dallas Mavericks...we got married on 7/07/07 just like Tony and Eva. We heard is was good luck so we just went to a friend with the power to hook us up. So anyway, after Friday Night Lights ends...R. will probably work on something else briefly and then start a film here in Austin called "Tree of Life". It's set to star Sean Penn and Heath Ledger. That film will take us months into 2008 and if FNL gets a third season then we might go almost directly into that. If not, we will either stay here for what ever comes up, go back to LA, or go somewhere else entirely. We did buy a little condo here in downtown Austin so that we have a homebase that is pretty much self sufficient if we need to be away for an extended time.

So there it is people...or nobody. Sorry about the bad grammar and such. I just really do not care these days. I feel very liberated that I have come to a place where I truly do not care what anybody thinks. I'm a good girl and those who love me will let me come as I am! Ahhhhhhh yeah!